
farming tips

If you pay attention to all these things, farmers will get great production from mustard crop

If you pay attention to all these things, farmers will get great production from mustard crop

Mustard oil in India is used as edible oil in almost all homes. Mustard cultivation in India is done in Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. The main thing of mustard cultivation is that it can be grown in both irrigated and irrigated fields. Mustard is the third most important oilseed crop in the world after soybean and palm. Mustard oil as well as mustard leaves are mainly used to prepare vegetables. Mustard cake is also made, which is used to feed milch cattle. Along with the domestic market, the farmers have got a great feeling of mustard this year due to the increase in the demand for mustard in the international markets. At the same time, the central government has also increased its minimum support price.

Take special care of these things before cultivating mustard 

Before cultivating mustard, some things have to be kept in mind, so that we can get proper yield of crop, they are:-

Mustard suitable soil

Generally mustard cultivation can be done in every type of soil. However, the Balui loam soil with a single and better drainage is the most suitable for getting a brilliant yield of mustard. However, it should not be salty and barren land.

How to prepare mustard field 

Mustard cultivation requires a bright soil, the field should first plough the soil with a plough. After this, two to three ploughing should be done through native plough or cultivator. After ploughing it, it is very important to keep the moisture in the field and to level the fields. By applying it, both time and water are saved in irrigation.

Quantity of seeds

For your information , for the sowing of mustard crops in the fields where there is adequate means of irrigation, 5 to 6 kg of seeds should be used at the rate of 5 to hectare. The amount of mustard seeds may be different in the fields where there is not enough means of irrigation. Explain that the amount of seed depends on the basis of the variety of crops. If the time period of the crop is for more days, then the amount of seeds will be reduced. If the crop is of short time, then the amount of seed will be high.

Advanced varieties of mustard 

For mustard cultivation, it is also necessary to have knowledge of its advanced varieties, so that more yields can be achieved. Various types of mustard varieties are different for irrigated areas and unirrigated areas.

  1. RH (RH) 30: Both irrigated areas and unirrigated areas are good for sowing with wheat, gram and barley in both conditions.

  2. T59 (Varuna): This variety provides good yields in areas where there is no availability of means of irrigation. Its yield is 15 to 18 quintals per hectare in the unirrigated area. The amount of oil in its rash is 36 percent.

  3. Pusa Bold: Ashirwad (RK): This variety is suitable for late sowing (from 25 October to 15 November).

  4. NRC HB (NRC HB) 101: These varieties provide good yields in areas where adequate irrigation is provided. These varieties provide production ranging from 20 to 22 quintals per hectare.

When and how to irrigate mustard crop

In the mustard crop, the first irrigation should be done in 25 to 30 days and the second irrigation should be done in the stage of filling the grains in the fruits. If there is rain in the winter, even if the other irrigation is not done, even a good yield can be achieved. The field should not be irrigated at the time of flowering in mustard.

Irrigation in mustard crops should generally be done through bandage methods. Irrigation should be done by making a bandage of 4 to 6 metres wide according to the size of the farm. By irrigation by this method, the distribution of water is equal in the entire field.

Use of fertiliser and fertiliser in mustard cultivation

For your information, tell that for the fields where there is not enough irrigation means of irrigation, 6 to 12 rotten cow dung, 160 to 170 kg of urea, 250 kg single super phosphate, 50 kg of muret and potash and 200 kg It is appropriate to mix in the field before sowing gypsum. Mix half the quantity of urea at the time of sowing and half the remaining quantity in the field after the first irrigation. For the fields where there is no suitable means of irrigation, 4 to 5 tons of rotten cow dung, 85 to 90 kg of urea, 125 kg single super phosphate, 33 kg muret and potash per hectare are put in the field.

Weed control in mustard cultivation

In mustard cultivation, dense plants should be expelled from the field in 15 to 20 days of sowing. Along with this, their mutual distance should be made 15 cm. To eliminate weeds, weeding must be done in mustard fields before irrigation. In the event of weeds not destroyed, weeding and weeding should also be done after second irrigation. To control weeds by chemical method, within 2 to 3 days after sowing, the 3.3 litres of 3 to 3 days of pendimethalin 30 EC chemicals should be mixed with 600 to 800 litres of water and sprayed at the rate of per hectare.

Mustard crop harvesting and storage

When 75% of the legumes turn golden in mustard crop, then the seeds should be separated by cutting the crop by machine or by hand, drying or pouring it. Mustard seeds should be stored only when the seeds dried in the best way.

Mustard production from cultivation

In areas where there is not enough irrigation, it can yield from 20 to 25 quintals per hectare and areas where there are adequate irrigation arrangements. There can be achieving 25 to 30 quintals per hectare.

Mustard market price and earnings

The central government has fixed the minimum support price (MSP) of mustard by Rs 150 per quintal to Rs 5200 per quintal this year. Last year, the minimum support price of mustard was Rs 5050. Due to the increasing demand and lack of availability of mustard, this time the open markets are getting more than the minimum support price. Mustard is getting 6500 to 9500 rupees per quintal in open markets. Farmers can sell their crops in the major mandis of India where the price is high. In addition, direct contact with oil processing companies can also be sold directly to companies. At the same time, farmers can also sell their crops to traders in the open market. Explain that this year the mustard crop has given good prices to the farmers. Farmers are expected to get good mustard prices even further.

How can potato growers protect their crops from blight?

How can potato growers protect their crops from blight?

Agricultural scientists and scientific centres play a critical role in preparing pupils for farming. In this regard, ICAR has issued advice to farmers planting potatoes. Farmers have received methods and instructions to protect their crops over the winter.

There is vital news for potato producers. If you grow potatoes, be sure you read this news. Because this info might rescue your crop from a significant loss. Actually, fog poses a significant issue for farmers throughout the winter months. Especially when it is quite chilly. For this reason, the Central Potato Research Institute Modipuram Meerut (ICAR) has issued advice to potato producers.

What has been said in the advisory of ICAR?

Farmers may learn how to salvage their crops from this ICAR advice. Some simple strategies have been proposed for keeping your crops secure. If the farmer grows vegetables, he should try to decrease the impact of wind by placing a curtain or straw on the ridge. Cold winds cause significant agricultural damage. Aside from that, farmers can conserve crops by spraying them with medications from the Agriculture Department's list. The wheat crop suffers no losses over the winter. However, vegetable crops might suffer significant losses. Farmers in such a circumstance have been encouraged to take prompt action.

Also to read:A completely effective solution to protect potato crops from blight illness.

Farmers to be precautious from Blight disease

According to an ICAR official, farmers planting potatoes have received specific advice. It is caused by a fungus called blight or phytophthora infestans. This disease affects potatoes when the temperature remains between 20 and 15 degrees Celsius. If there is a disease infestation or it rains, the crop is quickly destroyed. Potato leaves dry out from the margins owing to illness. Farmers should use Mancozeb 75% soluble powder diluted in water every two weeks. The amount should be two kilograms per acre.

Spray these chemicals  for potato cultivation.

According to the spokesperson, to protect the diseased crop, spray Macozeb 63% and Metalaxyl 8% or a combination of Carbendazim and Maconech at 2 grammes per litre of water or 2 kg per hectare in a solution of 200 to 250 litres. Furthermore, farmers should apply Ridomil 4% MI when the temperature is less than 10 degrees.

Also to  read: Late blight disease of potatoes and its treatment.

Blight disease is caused by the fungus Alternaria solani. As a result, circular dots appear on the lower half of the leaf, resembling rings. As a result, the inner half forms a concentric ring. The leaf becomes yellow. This disease develops late, and when symptoms arise, farmers can spray 75% degradable powder, Mancozeb 75% degradable complete, or Copper Oxychloride 50% degradable powder diluted in water at 2.5 kg per hectare

 This state offers 50% subsidy on Betel cultivation

This state offers 50% subsidy on Betel cultivation

Many people like the taste of betel leaf. Due to the popularity of betel leaf, the Bihar government has announced a grant for the cultivation of Magahi betel leaf. The total cost of Magahi betel cultivation is Rs. 70,500. 50% percent of this means that a grant of Rs 32,250 will be received from the government.

In India, the government runs different types of schemes for farmers. So that some benefits can be given to the farmers. The government provides subsidy facilities to farmers on various types of crops. The Bihar government has given a big gift to the farmers doing farming in the state of Bihar. There is a lot of interest in paan in Bihar. Due to this, the Bihar government has announced a grant for betel cultivation. This type of subsidy will be provided by the government for betel cultivation.

Subsidy up to Rs 32,250 will be available on betel cultivation

Betel leaf is said to be a natural mouth freshener. In general, there are many paan lovers across India. But the Bihar state's craze for paan is something different. Magahi paan of Bihar state is very famous. It has also received the tag of Geographical Identification. There is a lot of demand for this paan in the market.

Also read: Japan is inviting educated young farmers from India to do agriculture related jobs in Japan

Keeping all these things in mind, the Bihar government has announced a grant for the cultivation of Magahi betel. The total cost of cultivation of Magahi betel is around Rs 70,500. Now 50 percent grant will be available for this from the government. This means that if someone cultivates Magahi betel leaf, he will be provided a subsidy of up to Rs 32,250 by the Bihar government.

How can farmers take advantage of this scheme?

The Department of Agriculture Ministry of Bihar Government has announced to give grant to the farmers for Magahi Paan under the Special Crop Scheme. To avail the benefit of grant under this scheme currently run by Bihar Government, visit the official website Please note that after this click on Paan Vikas Yojana. Now click on the apply link button. After this, after filling all the necessary details, you can submit the application.

Farmers can earn big money every month by producing different types of vegetables in their fields.

Farmers can earn big money every month by producing different types of vegetables in their fields.

Farmers can earn a good income by cultivating many vegetables in one field. Farmer brothers can grow coriander, spinach, and tomato crops in one go.

Let us tell you about the intensity with which technology is developing. At the same pace, the use of new equipment and techniques in farming has also increased. If you also do farming, then the information provided here can be beneficial for you. A large population in India is dependent on agriculture. Because of this, India is also called an agricultural country. Changes with time have also made farming advanced. If farmers wish, they can earn good profits in a single crop. Many such vegetables give huge profits in a short time, especially include coriander, tomato, spinach, etc.

You can earn profits worth lakhs from vegetable farming

Talking about normal days, the price of tomato in the market is Rs 250 to 350 per carat. Farmers can earn lakhs of rupees in a year just by selling tomatoes. Also, if you cultivate and sell coriander, spinach, and chili, these will give you huge profits. Nowadays, horticulture crops are earning more income than traditional crops.

Also read: Farmer Shravan Singh became rich by producing horticulture crops.

Coriander-spinach production will yield good profits

Farmers can sow all these vegetables in the same field. These vegetables do not require much space. To earn a good income from these vegetables, farmers can plant coriander and spinach on the ridges of their fields. On the other side of the ridge, farmers can also cultivate tomatoes and chilies.

Farmers can also produce these vegetables

For your information, to earn a better income, farmers can grow many crops in the middle of the fields beside the ridges. Farmer brothers can grow okra, potato, cauliflower, and bitter gourd here. All these vegetables are sold in the market at good prices. If farmers follow all the points mentioned here, they can earn a handsome income.

This breed of buffalo is considered good for dairy business

This breed of buffalo is considered good for dairy business

If you also want to rear buffaloes for dairy business, then rearing Mehsana species can be proven awesome for you. This buffalo is famous for its milk production capability. This buffalo can make you a profit of lakhs yearly. Rearing buffaloes is coming out as a good business in rural areas as well as urban areas. Many farmers and dairy owners are rearing buffaloes after considering the increase in milk usage. This is the reason behind the increase in buffalo rearing day by day. Before buying a buffalo, generally people are not able to choose the best breed. Which as a result gives them loss. 

In this scenario, today we are going to talk about a top breed of buffalo which is famous for its impressive milk production capabilities. The breed today we are going to talk about is Mehsana breed. You can earn amazing profit in a year if you own this buffalo breed.

How much money can animal rearers make annually 

For your kind information, let us tell you that this breed of buffalo can provide you the benefit of upto 1.5 lakh per year. This buffalo was discovered in Gujarat. Because this Mehsana breed is in abundance in Mehsana district of Gujarat. That's why this breed is also named after the Mehsana district. Other than Mehsana, this buffalo is also found in Sabarkantha, Banaskantha, Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar district. This breed is also known as Mehsana or Mehsani. It is a calm breed of buffalo, due to which dairy owners and farmers love to rear this buffalo. 

Read also: Banni breed of buffalo gives 15 litres of milk, know about this

How much milk does Mehsana buffaloes give daily

Buffaloes of Mehsana breed are themselves famous for their milk production power. Mehsana buffaloes are considered best for commercial dairy farms. If you talk about the milk production capability of Mehsana buffaloes, it gives 5 to 8 litres of milk everyday. With good management and proper nutrition, this buffalo can also milk upto 10 litres per day. During Calving, this buffalo provides milk upto 1800 to 2000 litres on average. The price of this buffalo is around 50 thousand to 1 lakh. Actually, the cost of this breed depends upon the area, size and its health.

Read also: people who conserve indigenous breed of cows-buffaloes will get a prize money of 5 lakhs, here's how to apply

What are the different characteristics of Mehsana breed

Buffaloes of Mehsana breed are black, brown and grey in colour. And, its size is comparatively larger than Murrah breed. But, it weighs less than Murrah. The average weight of a male Mehsana falls around 560 kilograms. Whereas, the weight of a female is around 480 kilograms. Their horns are generally sickle shaped. And are less circular than Murrah. Their neck is very long and seems well structured. Its face is long and straight. Snouts are wide and nostrils are open. 

Along with this, eyes are black, beautiful and sparkling. It is being said that Mehsana breed is produced by crossbreeding of Murrah and Surti breed. The Mehsana breed is popular for its reproduction capabilities. This breed of buffalo is also popular for its milk production capability. Let us tell you that  in one Calving, this buffalo gives an average of 1800 to 2000 litres of milk.

 Weed can highly affect the sugarcane crop

Weed can highly affect the sugarcane crop

Before sowing sugarcane, keep weed control in mind. If weeds are not controlled in time then there can be reduction in production. Production can be decreased by 10-30 percent. In this situation, let us know how to control weeds. 

These days, autumn sowing of sugarcane is going on in India. At this time weed control is also more important. Because, sugarcane crops can get affected due to weeds, which causes reduction in  production. In this situation, it should be controlled before sowing.Agricultural scientists have said that farmers should do weed control regularly.So that full development of their crop is possible.Dr. Sanjeev Pathak, Extension Officer of Uttar Pradesh Sugarcane Research Council, says that sowing of sugarcane is going on these days in various states of the country. Farmer brothers must keep in mind weed control before sowing. They have said that about 45 types of broad and narrow leaves of weeds are found in sugarcane. 

Yield of sugarcane decreases this way.

For your information, let us tell you that the field of sugarcane is sown by trench method because of a lot of space in between, and weeds grow rapidly. If weeds in sugarcane crops are not controlled in time then there may be a decrease in yield of sugarcane. Let us tell you that yield can be decreased by 10-30 percent, because weeds grow with the crop. Therefore take control over the weeds on time so that crops don't get harmed. 

Control weeds like this.

Dr. Sanjeev Pathak has said that weed control in the first three months of sugarcane sowing. Two methods can be used for weed control. The first method in which weeds can be eliminated is by chemical spraying of herbicides. Whereas, the second method is the mechanical method, in which weeds can be eliminated by weeding.

Weeding helps in the circulation of air in the soil, which helps in the excellent development of sugarcane roots. Let us tell you that when the roots are fully developed, the plants will absorb the nutrients present in the soil, the fertilizers given by the farmers and the irrigation water, which will also improve the growth and development. Now in such a situation, farmers will get a very good yield. Besides, the weeds growing in the crop will also be eliminated.

Farmer brothers should spray medicine in this way.

If a chemical method has to be used in any special circumstances then to control broadleaf and narrow leaf weeds, apply 500 grams of Metribuzin 70 percent simultaneously And make a solution of 2 4 D 58 percent in 1000 liters of water corresponding to 2.5 liters per hectare and spray it. During this time, be careful that the medicine is sprayed only on the weeds in the space between the two lines of sugarcane. Try to ensure that the medicine does not fall on the sugarcane plants. Spraying of medicine on sugarcane plants can significantly affect the growth of the plants.


 Take special care of these things to overcome the lack of milk production

Take special care of these things to overcome the lack of milk production

Currently there is a shortage of milk in our India. The more milk we need, the production of as much milk is not being done in sufficient quantity. Annual milk yield 5000 kg in developed countries like Sweden, Denmark, Israel and America etc. The animal is per year. In comparison, only 1000 kg in India. The animal is per year. According to scientists, every person needs 280 grams of milk per day. At the same time, currently 190 grams of milk is present per day per person. Therefore, there is a great need to increase milk production in our India.

Animals provide nutrients especially from diet, fat, minerals, vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates, which are used by cattle for their living, growth, yields, breeding and functionality etc. Due to less milk -giving animals inside India, crores of landless and marginal farmers, use of remaining remains of crops and lack of pastures etc. Milk production is commonly found in areas of the country where mixed farming is done. In order to take milk production as business, the substances of fodder, grains, khali and grains should be available in abundance and smoothness.

Animals suffering from infertility should be expelled with a herd

Generally, infertility is seen in young animals up to 2-3 percent and in adult animals 5 to 6 percent, which should be removed from the herd. So that the milk production level cannot decline and there is no side effects on the income from them. Also, the expenses incurred in fodder, grain and care on these animals can be saved.

Take care of cattle health

Prevention of the disease in place of therapy is quite good, so that the expenses and risk caused by the uncertainty of better diagnosis in treatment can be protected. Cows and buffaloes are prone to various types of diseases. Because heat and humidity are very high in the weather here. Due to this, animals also die more. Animals must be vaccinated to protect them from these diseases.

Provide enough diet to animals

Proper food for animals is that which is gross, interesting, interesting, hunger and balanced. Also, sufficient green fodder has also been found in it, it has got suicide and it is going to provide satisfaction. Animals should usually give food 3 times on a short time of time. Animals should be mixed with green fodder like wheat straw, straw etc. By resourceing fodder and grain, the use of animal feed can also be increased by grinding grain, cutting and soaking etc. As far as possible, animals should be given separately as per the requirement and given separately. Every cow dynasty animal has 2 to 2.5 kg. And buffalo to 3 kg. 100 kg per 100 kg Dry substances should be given on the body. Animals should be given 2/3 of the dietary diet as fodder and 1/3 as grain. 1.5 kg to pregnant cows and buffaloes. Dana should be given every day. Physical development animals 1 to 1.5 kg. Per animals should be given for body development. 1 to 1.5 kg to live the animal to live. For grain and milk production, cows have 3 liters of milk per milk and 1 kg on 2.5 liters of milk respectively. Should give grain. Animal food is also mandatory to have adequate mineral salts and vitamins.

Produce a good breed heifer by conception

Animals should always be provided with sufficient amount of clean water. To maintain life, an animal needs a lot of water daily in a large amount of water. Since lack of water affects milk production. By earning semen from male animals with artificial methods, examining, cleaning the female's reproduction, proper time and proper place is called artificial insemination. Milk breed bulls and their superstitious semen should make their cows conception and earn a military heifer of advanced breed. Which will be worth conceiving by becoming a cow in two years, as well as providing more milk. The hybrid cow (jersey child) obtained through artificial insemination gives more milk. Also, when that hybrid jersey cow is rejected by jersey breed, the cow giving 15-20 liters of milk is achieved.

In the upcoming days, farmers will get amazing benefits or will bear loss due to weather

In the upcoming days, farmers will get amazing benefits or will bear loss due to weather

As we all know, winters have recently knocked our doors. At present, a temperature suitable for crops will be useful. Whereas, not suitable temperature brings the danger from blight disease. India is currently facing season change. After summer, winters have knocked us very fast. According to the India Meteorological Department(IMD), this year's monsoon was average in India. Monsoon being average was good news to farmers. Actually, because of this, plants got good rain resulting in good crop yield. 

If we talk about capital Delhi, a fall in temperature was observed, which also increased chilling. According to IMD, the temperature in the first week of December will be average. Whereas a huge fall in temperature is less expected. According to the meteorological department, maximum temperature in capital Delhi will be 25°C till 4 December. And the minimum temperature will be upto 9°C.

Crops will get benefit by cold in upcoming days 

According to the news, winter will be colder in upcoming days. Crops benefit from cold only until the temperature is according to the bearing power of crops. In winters, infection in crops from disease and insects is usually less. Accumulation of nutrients also rises in crops. Along with this, crop production also increases. And when temperature is not suitable for crops, it creates a factor for loss. Too much cold can result in change in shape and colour of crops. Crops can face difficulties like dryness and blight.

Apart from this, crop production also decreases. Farmers can get more knowledge about weather on the official website of IMD or their mobile application can also be used. Doing this, they can attain knowledge of weather at the correct time. And can save their crops.

Farmer brothers should do this to attain better yield 

Farmer brothers should sow the crops at the right time to achieve better yield. Also, crops should be irrigated at regular intervals.

Regular pesticides should be sprayed to protect crops from disease and insects. During winters, plastic sheet or shed should be used to cover the crops.

 How to protect the crops from insects during increasing cold weather

How to protect the crops from insects during increasing cold weather

The effect of insects on crops can be seen even during winter. In such a situation, the farmer will have to take special care of some important things.  Some farmers believe that insects do not occur inside crops during winter. However, the truth is that even in the winter season, your crop can be attacked by insects. To conserve the fruit from insects, you have to take care of some important things. According to experts, the problem of pests in crops during winter is a common thing. At this time the temperature is low, the incidence of this insects decreases. However, they do not end completely. Some insects can cause a lot of damage to the crop even in winter, due to which farmers should take care of some special things for protection.

Farmers should do farming under the supervision of agricultural experts

During the winter season, farmers should monitor the crops regularly. Pay special attention to the initial symptoms of insects. Also, do necessary work for the control pests. If insects are planted in the standing crop in your fields, use the required pesticides at the appropriate time. Sprinkle them in appropriate quantities, for which farmers can take help from agricultural experts.

Also read: Major diseases and diseases manage in mustard crop

What can farmers spray ?

Experts say that crops may be caused by changes in weather. Farmers can spray the trichoderma, Harjonium medicine to get convenience from  insects. Insects can affect the yield of crops. This challenge can be overcome by spraying pesticides on the crop. The winter season in India lasts from October to March. This temperature is very favourable for rabi crops. The main crops of the Rabi season are millet, peas, mustard, tomatoes, wheat, barley and gram etc.